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"When the preoccupation with identification falls away, what is seen is that life is not a search for wholeness; rather it is the expression of wholeness"                                  

                                                                                                          The lost writings of Wu Hsin

Non-dual understanding and practice involves teachings and contemplation designed to strip away the illusion of who we imagine ourselves to be, revealing our true nature.

These teachings and the simple ongoing practice of mindful awareness inevitably lead to the realisation of the source of our being.

For infomation on retreats and groups in non-dual mindfulness contact Martin at or on 0117 9737848 (Bristol)


Non-duality mindfulness 


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Martin Wells is a teaching and supervising transactional analyst who has also been studying and practising meditation for over 30 years. He works part-time in the NHS in the UK, as a consultant psychotherapist and teaches mindfulness and practises psychotherapy from a non dual perspective. 

He is the founder of TA ~ Spiritual and has led retreats in Scotland, Goa and Spain.

Transactional Analysis (TA)  is a theory of personality and a system for personal growth and change. TA was founded by Eric Berne in the 1950s and 1960s and has been evolving ever since.TA was originally developed as a new form of psychotherapy with an emphasis on open and equal dialogue between client and therapist. Because TA focuses on empowering individuals, as well as  understanding the relationships we form with others, it has been developed beyond the therapeutic field. It is now a well-established approach used in psychotherapy, counselling, education and organisational development. As well as providing a theory of personality, Transactional Analysis offers a range of models that can be used to explain communication and relationships. Many TA concepts are simple to learn and apply, making them very accessible.

Non-duality mindfulness


Groups and meetings

Weekly Meetings
Non-duality mindfulness

Every Thursday evening from 8.10 - 9.30pm F2F in Clifton Bristol and on line (Zoom link can be requested by email)

Supervision mornings

Book on line

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Amber Robertson

Get In Touch

Courtyard flat 41 Royal York Crescent Bristol BS8 4JS

tel: 0117 9737848


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Non-duality mindfulness

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